software, drivers, SDK


java headtracker driver
a 100% pure java driver for the i-glasses headtracker.
build your own java applications controlled by the tracker movements.

There are also four applications included:

  • trackerTest: prints the trackerdata to the console
  • trackerPano: allows you to view headtracked panorama images
  • trackerQTVR: allows you to view heatracked QTVR movies
  • trackerJ3D: a simple headtracked Java3D demo

  • delphi headtracker driver
    by Gustavo Goedert and Marcio Serolli Pinho
    a new driver for the delphi programmers among us.

    tracker.exe, the original dos console tracker configuration tool and, the dos mouse emulation driver by virtual-io

    win95 tracker driver
    direct input driver for windows95, I never tested that.
    I think it uses the tracker's mouse emulation mode.

    virtual-io SDK
    original virtual-io software development kit.
    some libraries for dos/windows C programmers.
    documentation and examples included. [2.5MB]

    tracker test tool
    displays a virtual pair of i-glasses moving just like your real one.

    VTVvio panorama player
    an older player for VTV panoramas. plays vtv files and QTVR 1.0 movies. watch virtual scenes controlled by tracker movements